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Daniel Lieske - Wormworld Saga - Chapter 6Just a short notice to let you know that the 6th chapter in Daniel Lieske's gorgeously drawn Wormworld Saga online graphic novel is now available for your reading.

It's good to see that he has started to publish these stories as books now, too, initially in German, but English versions seem to be under way, too (the online chapters have been and are being translated into umpteen languages by fans); plus there's any amount of merchandising and extra content available for a little cash, too, whilst the actual story remains free to read.

For those not familiar with the Wormworld Saga (you know who you are!) - it follows the travels and adventures of a boy, Jonas, who slips into a parallel universe from his Grandmother's attic. Neither the setting nor the topics dealt with are new (very few things are), but both the storytelling and especially the artwork are superb, and the format with a very long/tall image, with the story flowing through it is unusual (and must be challenging for conversion into books!).

Links: Daniel Lieske - Blog - Wormworld Saga - Chapter 6




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